...Training and Sending Out
"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. . . like a good soldier of Christ Jesus." II Timothy 2:2,3
For over 25 years Asia Frontier Outreach has ministered to remote tribes in Northern Myanmar and its borderlands, introducing men and women to Jesus Christ and discipling them to become devoted Christ-followers. Thousands of individuals have come to know Christ and many villages now have a Christian church. Our strategy is based on II Timothy 2:2-3, which we call the "Principle of Multiplication", and from which we have given these leaders the title "Jesus Foot Soldiers."
Beginning with 12 men who faithfully shared with others what they were learning from the Word of God, today there are over 7000 men and women trained and serving in remote areas of Myanmar and its borderlands as evangelists, pastors, and church planters.
A day in the life , , , a Jesus Foot Soldier writes:
I want to share what our Lord is doing in our lives and through us in this part of the world. Our greatest joy and excitement is to see souls being saved through the preaching of the gospel and the teaching of His word. Let us rejoice in the Lord as our team was able to bring 954 souls to Jesus within the last six months. Most of these people worshipped spirits and ancestors, but the Lord graciously used me, my family, and my team to transform their lives miraculously. "Not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord." We give all the glory to God for what He has done through us.
We are now nurturing these new converts to grow in the Lord and teaching them the word of God to become grounded in it. They have destroyed all spirit-worshipping items. Their lives have changed, their faces are filled with peace and joy. Glory to God!
My wife prays for me, our children, and my ministry daily. She is also ministering to many women and has brought them to the Lord through her prayer and sharing the Word of God. God is using her to reach out to unreached women. God is also using my three children to share the love of God with their friends. Recently, my second son brought his two friends to the Lord.
Please pray for our family and the work here. The persecutions are terrible for Bible-believing people here in this country where Christianity is restricted. We need God’s wisdom and His protection.
May God richly bless you,
PTM, Jesus Foot Soldier
From the early 1990s, AFO leadership traveled several times a year to the northern borderlands of Myanmar to conduct evangelistic campaigns and discipleship training. Over the years, pastoral education was added to these teaching trips.
Today due to current travel restrictions into northern Myanmar, we teach online 2-3 times a week. About 2000 men and women are reached with Bible teaching and encouragement for ministry. In the spirit of "multiplication", they pass what they have learned on to others.

JFS Training in the early days.
PRAY for Jesus Foot Soldiers - for protection as they travel mountain roads and trails; for spiritual protection as they often face danger or persecution; for the ministry they are called to; for their families
SUPPORT a Jesus Foot Soldier - $300 a month can support a Jesus Foot Soldier and their family. With your monthly gift of any amount, we will send you a bio of a JFS, and update you on their ministry as we receive news.